Frequently Asked
Frequently Asked Questions
1.How are you different from so many psychometrics assessments out there in the market?
For one thing, Drawmetrics identify the CURRENT DOMINANT state of a person’s professional and personal relationships and state of mind. It is individually unique as in no two persons, including twins will have exactly the same report.
Traditional psychometrics measures a person’s past based on questionnaires that require the subject to think about past incidents/situations. Drawmetrics measures the current and present based on what they visualise in their mind “NOW”.
Traditional psychometrics also produces immediate results simply because they are using a set of pre-determined base reports to generate by matching answers to questionnaires using grading scale. They are , therefore very limited in the permutations of reports.
Take an example of DISC or Enneagram. DISC has a maximum permutation of 12 types, where Enneagram has 27 types.
If we were in a room of 27 different unique individuals, are we saying that all 27 types of people in the world are represented in that room? Unlikely this is accurate at all.
Drawmetrics has 1.586 Trillion possible combinations of reports (and growing), 192 times much more than the current world population! It is hence, impossible to find a duplicate report for any 2 individual. So the traditional Barnum Effect does not occur here.
In addition, current psychometrics assess personalities only, with largely positive aspects without differentiation of nuances between professional and personal. But people behave differently at work and at home. And when it gets personal, they bring their negative attributes to work and vice versa.
Drawmetrics cater to these nuances with clear distinction and differentiation for a much more complete assessment of a person’s behaviours professionally versus personally.
2.What are the category that AttituX Report include?
The AttituX report comes with the following category:
1.Professional Attributes
2.Personal Attributes
3.Checks/Validations of Attributes
4.Potential Conflicts with Others
5.Professional Characteristics
6.Personal Characteristics
7.Potential Blind spots
8.Recommended Professional Development
9.Recommended Personal Development
10.Key Insights that makes or breaks the work and personal relationships
11.Hiring/Job Suitability based on Job and Company Culture
12.Remote Suitability based on Job and Company Culture
13.Interview Prompts for 99% Hiring Confidence
3.How is AttituX report used to maximize the accuracy in hiring or talent management?
The AttituX report comes with identification of dominant attributes that shows up in the doodle drawings under Key Insights.
This does not mean that this person is always behaving this way, but is likely the current state of mind. The Key Insights summarizes the key areas of concerns, if any, and requires validations by interviewing or communicating.
The validating questions are provided to customise to each individual’s report under the Interview Prompts; i.e. 3 questions to be asked to get a validations of each Key Insights.
If the questions are answered adequately, it will maximize the accuracy decision in hiring or managing the talent up to an accuracy of 99%. A first in the world.
4.What if I want to make sure the assessment is in alignment with my company culture, not just the job values?
When the admin user sets up the organizational account on AttituX, they are required to enter the top 2 corporate values/culture that they want every single employee to have at the very minimum.
These are limited because there are another 5 values which is related to the job specifications itself (see below), which is key to be aligned with the job attributes.
Some examples of Corporate Values are: “Open Mindedness”, “Hardworking”, “Considerate”, “Tenacious”, “Loyal” to name a few.
Download our WhitePaper to learn more.
5.How does the AttituX report know my recruitment criteria in order to determine who is hirable and who isn’t?
The AttituX platform allows specific job attributes to be entered for each specific job, in order to match who is hirable and who is less of a fit. There are 5 Job Attributes that recruiters or hiring managers can select in order to determine a fit which is indicated by a scoring of “High, Medium, or Low” suitability.
Some examples of Job Attributes are “Driven”, “Ethical”, “Resourceful”, “Trustworthy”, “Ambitious” to name a few.
6.Why are there only 5 for Job Attributes and 2 for Corporate Attributes?
We believe that anything more than 2 corporate attributes and 5 job attributes makes it almost impossible to find a fit – too many variables to consider.
And 5 job attributes are most important as it relates to the values and attributes of the hiring managers and the job requirements, rather than fit anyone to the entire organization which is a much harder fit.
7.What if I want to hire people with potentials, not just people with current competencies?
Current competencies and/or skills sets are evaluated by the Human Resources personnel and not by AttituX. Competencies are typically evaluated using Q&A and other testing techniques currently not covered by AttituX at this moment. Hence current competencies are the responsibilities of the HR or interviewer to ascertain.
By indicating say, “Open Minded”, “Resourceful” as part of the Job Attributes allow the hiring mangers to hire people with potentials for future growth in skills development. Also the recommended professional development determines if the candidate/employees have what it takes to move on to bigger potential and roles as desired.
8.Does the report hightlight potential conflict between hiring managers, employees and colleagues?
Yes, only if the hiring mangers of the employees and their colleagues have also completed their Drawmetrics.
9.Can the candidate or employee draw anything they like?
Yes, they can doodle or draw anything as long as they can describe them with less than 2 words. It is the consistency match between the words and drawings that truly matters rather than how well they can draw or doodle.
10.How much does the report costs?
The report is dependent on usage and customised to each company for number of campaigns, users, and staff/admins. Please book a demo to speak with one of our consultant. Typically the net cost per assessment is less than $60 for an annual subscription on an Enterprise tier. Speak to us to customise something for you r specific needs and volumes. We can also do pilots for specific use cases, such as job match recommendations engine, cyber security human risks, human risk management on specific use case, and entire team conflict assessments.
11.What is the validity of the report? Can I re-administer it every one or two years?
The standard validity of the report is one year. We advise every employee to re-administer on a yearly basis to determine recency.
12.Do you have a group report?
No, unfortunately not at this moment. This is a lot more complicated than meets the eye. If there is a demand for it, we can build it.
13.Is the report biased?
No, because of 2 factors:
a. We allow the user to doodle or draw anything. There is no questionnaire, no grading scale and no language biased.
b. We can do a 100% blind test to show we can produce at least 85% accurate reports without knowing their names, emails or gender.
14.How is the report administered and how does it measure compliance?
The drawings instructions is administered via our AttituX platform when the candidates/employees emails, and phone numbers are imported via Excel formats or keyed in.
The platform takes over to send each candidate/user/employee a unique link for them to complete the drawings. Based on the candidate response time, we can see if they are compliant with regards to following this additional instruction.
15.What is excluded in the report and what should it not be used for?
The report exclude any thing that is generic or tendency for someone to behave either way.
For example: Honesty.
We can predict integrity and responsibility, but every now and then, people can be dishonest depending on the stakes at hand. So when there is a likelihood to behave in a dishonest way, the report is only able to determine this by using our validation model and questioning technique included in our HRMS.
HR personnel and Hiring Managers can then determine if someone is honest in answering the Interview Prompts. It is very obvious when the provided answers are measured against what the Interview Prompts are when there have been a baseline of the candidate behavioural traits. It is much easier to determine honesty when facts are available to compare against candidate self reported information.
16.What if the candidate or employee disagree that the report is accurate?
Firstly, the report is written in such a way, that some parts of the report implies another part.
For example, if Points 3, 8, 10 are accurate, then 1, 5, and 9 are also accurate and so on. However, this is proprietary information and are not shared publicly to prevent users from trying to game the system.
We have had less than 0.1% of users who expressly claimed that the report is less than 70% accurate.
17.How do we know the report is specific to individuals since the results sometimes seem so generic?
The best litmus test is to get 2 people to swap their reports. They will immediately see the other person’s report does not apply to them at all. This shows the specificity of the reports to individuals and Barnum Effect is completely eliminated. The generic tone of certain descriptions within specific pages (for example pages under Characteristics) were intentionally designed to make sure there is no abuse or manipulation by any decision maker to use the report in a non-discretionary manner.
18.Can you see if someone tries to game the system? If yes, will the report still be accurate?
No, the assessments cannot be gamed or manipulated. But even if someone tries to; we can see it . The report will be flagged as an outlier within our system. See us for more options on how to detect and avoid this.
19.Do you provide consultancy or training on how to interpret the reports?
Yes, depending on the complexity of the training and consultancy requirements, we are happy to do so as a paid consultancy and certification program.
20.Should the candidates receive a copy of the report?
It’s up to the hiring managers to determine if the candidates should receive a copy of the report by downloading part of the report- Page 3 or 4 only (without scoring) from our admin dashboard. These pages are classified under “Characteristics”.
Downloaded reports will be in PDF format.
21.What if the candidate or employee do not want to accept the recommended development?
Typically, this is because what the report have identified is central and key to their need; i.e. we are spot on in determining what they need to move forward. However, we cannot force users and employers/employees to accept what we recommend.
22.If the report shows that someone is very stressed at the current work, does changing jobs help to give a new result?
Yes, over a period of say 3 months as our subconscious mind takes some time to adapt to new environments and hence, the drawings and corresponding results will change.
23.What special areas can the report do that traditional psychometrics can’t?
The AttituX report can measure specifically areas such as money dispute, moral issues, flight risks, time management issues, conflict issues, and sexual harassment, sexual impropriety, potential competitors, betrayals, and the current state of their work, employment, business and personal relationships; all of which traditional psychometrics could not measure (See complete list of Negative Attributes outlined in the White Paper)