Track Record
Companies we have consulted for Recruitment, Employer of Record (EOR) and Screening Assessments:


“We initially got to know about Andrew (and Drawmetrics) via LinkedIn last year.
To say the least, I was extremely skeptical about what Drawmetrics can do. I did not think it was possible to use drawings to determine values fit of an employee with the organisations I worked in. As a HR professional for more than 2 decades, this is unheard of. But I decided to give it try and assessed the very first hire for my own HR Business Partner team. To my surprise, the report (rudimentary because it was manual in its early days) was rather accurate and consistent with my own assessment. This validated my assessment and more importantly showed me there is something about Drawmetrics that is useful. When the Drawmetrics reports became more in-depth with increased features (the Premium and Enterprise versions), I could quickly use it as a validation tool to support my hiring decisions. On one occasion, one of the features in Fast Drawmetrics accurately identified one potential hire to be of some risks and our background checks subsequently concluded the same. My Senior Management and hiring managers asked me how did Drawmetrics come to the same “conclusion” without ever meeting the candidate or knowing their resumes? I simply said, I don’t know but it works. We continue to use Drawmetrics in all of our key hiring today and would recommend HR teams to try it and see for themselves. What I like about Drawmetrics is that it is easy for HR to administer, fast for candidates to complete, and most importantly, no need to mull over interpretation of wordy questions and open to manipulation of outcome.”

“I’ve been a first hand user of Drawmetrics, first understanding myself better – then using it to understand my team members better too.What I found amazing was that it could pick up values, belief system and motivation that I could not ‘identify’ in my initial conversations with my individual team members. Upon confirming with them on the report, all of them affirmed me that it was 90% accurate.What I would have only found out after months of working with someone became so ‘instant’ when I could know it right away.I saw it as a very important tool should I want to identify those who were high potential for certain roles and those whom I had to look at re-establishing a new role. I then had the realisation that I had a human bias when it came to interviewing – I made judgements within a couple of minutes or by looking at a resume (and thinking that this was the candidate with the ‘perfect’ fit). With Drawmetrics I could have pre-interview awareness of what their values & beliefs were, and if they were suitable for the roles I am hiring for. It also gave me the advantage when I could check with them certain experiences from their careers which were transferrable. Overall a great MUST-HAVE tool for any Hiring Manager!”

“When we first met Andrew in 2003 when he owned Sass Atlantic, we were wondering initially if he was able to help Emirates Airlines bring in Asian hospitality service to work in Dubai back then.
Andrew went on to prove he could assess a candidate in minutes what took us 2 days! And saving us a lot of time and money when we do recruitment every week, globally and Andrew ended up representing Emirates recruitment in more than 10 countries in Asia Pacific”

“Shangri-la Hotel Group in Singapore was having tremendous difficulty finding locals during the 2003 SARS. Our staff retention was a challenge and succession planning at the line staff level was impossible. Then Andrew and his team came up with a brilliant proposal to provide both training and recruitment services to see that our staff strength was stable for 3 years in a row for 9 year! And it saved our operational and staff turnover due to their unique HRTech assessment tool.”

“ANA was at fierce competition with many airlines in Asia, including JAL and Singapore Airlines. When we learnt and saw how fast Emirates grew we knew we needed to engage their consultant, Andrew Chai.
He helped put our international crew team for Taiwan and Korea, making sure all 400 crew work seamlessly with our Japanese crew. All without politics and conflict using his proprietary HRTech assessment tool. Amazing!.”

“I was the signing manager for Andrew’s first and repeated renewal contract with Emirates for 11 years! I recall Randa telling me an incident where he assessed the candidates using your HRTech assessment tool and derive at the same conclusion we did weeks before us!”
“You were a great support all those years ago when I was at Emirates and overseeing global hiring including crew.”